We encourage you to experience the combination of massage therapy and cupping. We augment massage with a modified version of “cupping therapy,” an ancient technique with powerful results that has been used extensively in Chinese medicine for several thousand years.
Through either heat or suction, the skin is gently drawn upwards by creating a vacuum in a cup over the target area of the skin. The cup stays in place for five to fifteen minutes. It helps to treat pain, deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, muscle knots, and swelling.
Massage therapy with cupping is used to drain excess fluids and toxins, stimulate the peripheral nervous system, bring blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin, and loosen adhesions, connective tissue and stubborn knots in soft tissue.
The sensation is often characterized as deep warmth and tingling. It persists long after the treatment has ended. The use of cups is not an irritant to the skin or body. It draws out inflammation without adding to it, and is excellent when used as a contrast therapy with compresses or liniments.
This technique is often used on the broad areas of the back, and is a wonderful addition to any massage. The treatment is sedating, and people will often descend into a profound state of relaxation. Larger cups may be used on the back for a stronger effect. The strong vacuum mimics the rolling action of deep tissue massage without the discomfort. The movement may be long and draining, or circular and stimulating, for stubborn knots and areas of rigid tissue.